How To Start A Heating & Plumbing Business – The Easy 10-Step Guide

by | Dec 18, 2024 | Business Services, Business Stages, Growing the Business

Running your own heating and plumbing business can be an incredibly rewarding (and lucrative) career choice. You’ll finally be able to do things your way, take on the jobs you want, and enjoy complete flexibility. 

But annoyingly, and as you’ll already know, there’s a lot more involved with running a business. A big chunk of that comes in the initial setup stage:

How do you set your prices? Where do you find customers? Limited company or sole tradership? How do you handle your own accounts?

These are all perfectly valid questions that we’re going to answer in this comprehensive guide so you can start a successful heating & plumbing business of your own.

Keep reading or jump ahead here:

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Why it’s a great time to start a heating business

The UK currently has a shortage of gas engineers. According to one study, they’re the fourth most in-demand trades.

If you’re already a trained gas engineer, how is this relevant news for you?

It means that it’s a great time to start a heating & plumbing business. There will be no shortage of jobs for you to find, and there will be plenty of opportunity for growth. 

There are still millions of homes with newly-fitted gas boilers, and the Government’s plans don’t mean a blanket ban on them just yet. Plus, with heat pumps being pushed as a replacement, you could easily start working with those too. 

Read more here:

Taking the first steps…

The majority of heating and plumbing business owners worked as an employee for several years before starting their own heating & plumbing business. 

Even if you know you want to set up a business, these first few years are crucial for a few key reasons: 

  • They help you gain confidence working in the industry with a bit more of a safety net in place.
  • Gas engineers use this time to find their niche — often with a focus on installations or servicing and maintenance. 
  • It’s a great opportunity to learn how a business is run. This goes both ways, with the things you like and want to copy, and the things you don’t like and want to change. 

Perhaps most importantly, your employment is a great springboard for jumping into the self employed world. Many gas engineers will do some smaller jobs on the side for friends, family, and other connections. These jobs are easier to get, come with a bit less pressure, and can form the foundations of your customer list later on. 

Then, when you set up your business, you can try to negotiate with your ex-employer to offer your services on a sub-contractor basis. Many will be understanding, and you may even be able to negotiate a day rate for doing some continued work while you settle into things.

1. Set some goals

Everyone has their own reasons for starting a business — these are your personal goals.

Your business goals, on the other hand, are what you strive towards to achieve this personal goal. 

Both of these are important to have, and while they’ll most likely evolve as your business grows, they’ll help you keep track of how the business is performing and make sure it’s heading in the right direction. 

Read more about setting business and personal goals here.

2. Create a plan for your business [+ Free Checklist]

It’s incredibly hard to wing a successful business. Having a plan, even if it’s a simple one, will help you stay on track.

All your work should contribute in some way or another to your business goals and utilise the strategies set out in your plan. Having this overarching framework in place helps you succeed in the long-term as you do your day-to-day work, and reduces time wasted on wild goose chases.

Here’s the kind of things you should know before you set out on your journey:

  • A list of services
  • A detailed pricing policy
  • Insurance policies
  • How many & how big your competitors are
  • Marketing & advertising plan

We’ve put together a quick business checklist you can download and tick off as you go along.

Download it here:

    By downloading this template you consent to receiving marketing emails from
    Gas Engineer Software.

        3. Register your business

        When it’s time to register your business, you’ll probably have three questions.

        What do I need?

        To register your business, you’ll need: 

        • A director (yourself)
        • A business name
        • A registered office address (this can be your home address to begin with)
        • A few other pieces of basic information

        Limited company, or sole tradership?

        Both of these are viable options for a heating and plumbing business. 

        Generally, those starting out should look at a sole tradership. These are much simpler to set up and have fewer accounting responsibilities as you are classified as self-employed. 

        See for more information:

        As the business grows, you could look into turning it into a limited company. In doing so, you become an employee of your company. This comes with a little bit of increased complexity, but also means you can be more tax efficient and are not personally liable for any debts the business could incur. 

        How do I even do it?

        Registering a heating & plumbing business in the UK isn’t as complicated as it sounds. The whole process can be done in less than 24 hours with just some basic information, and you’ll receive a certificate of incorporation when it’s all done. 

        To incorporate your business, simply click on the link below and enter a few basic details on screen.

        4. Get all the right licenses and qualifications

        The qualifications you need to start a heating & plumbing business are the same as those needed to work as a gas engineer. 

        Here is a useful list: 

        • An NVQ level 3 in plumbing / heating & ventilation / gas / oil
          • Which will enable you to join the Gas Safe Register


        • A gas MLP (Managed Learning Programme)
        • Valid ACS (Accredited Certification Scheme) 
        • A Core Gas Safety (CCN1) certificate


        Additionally, you may find these useful to have:

        • OFTEC registration (if you want to work on oil or on off-grid heating appliances)
        • MCS certification (useful if you plan on working with heat pumps)
        • A waste carriers license (which is requried for taking away any waste from a property, such as old boilers, piping, etc. 

        Useful links:

        5. Buy some quality tools and equipment

        Kane Gas Analyser Software Integration

        If you’ve worked as an employee, you will likely have had company-issued tools. This is your opportunity to pick and choose the ones you prefer. Remember that, if you can, invest in quality tools that are a joy to use and will last. 

        Make sure you have the following:

        • A flue gas analyser (read our blog for the best, cheapest, and other analyser tips).
        • A vehicle (ideally a van, but you can get away with a car when you’re starting out)
        • A lock box for your tools
        • Inventory – pipes and other common spare parts
        • A toolbag 
        • Radiator keys

        Read our full guide on the most useful tools and apps for gas engineers: 

        6. Get your insurance

        Insurance can seem a little complicated at first, but there are lots of providers out there that offer a package deal. Here’s a breakdown:

        • Public liability insurance – to help cover claims from a member of the public (including your customers) should something happen to their property or an injury occur.
        • Product liability insurance – to help cover you in the event that a product you install or supply causes damage or injury. 
        • Professional indemnity insurance – to cover you in the event that any advice you give out causes financial loss. 
        • Tool insurance – to help protect against damage to or theft of your tools.
        • Employers’ liability insurance – if you come to employ someone. Note that this type of insurance is a legal requirement for any business with employees. 

        There are many companies out there that offer these different types of insurance as a package, known as gas fitters insurance. 

        Most packages for small businesses start at £1 million coverage, but can go higher depending on your preference and needs.

        7. Put together a pricing strategy

        Pricing is one of the most important parts of any business. You could be finding lots of customers but making no money at all if your prices are too cheap. 

        This is a trap many new business owners fall into because it’s far easier to charge too little than it is to charge too much. 

        There’s lots to pricing and it’s a topic in itself, and we’ve written several guides to help distil the topic into something actionable for business owners. Here’s a quick summary: 

        Best pricing strategies:

        Click to read more about competitor pricing, cost-plus pricing, and many other strategies that you could use. We talk about the pros, cons, and anything else you need to know about each. 

        Calculating your hourly rate: 

        We’ve written a guide to help businesses easily calculate an accurate hourly rate. Whether you use this directly for your pricing or not, this is crucial to have for many aspects of your business. 

        Alternatively, you can download and use this calculator to quickly find out your hourly rate:

        Free Pricing Calculator

        Add up all your costs & get an hourly rate.

          By downloading this calculator you consent to receiving marketing emails from Gas Engineer Software.

          How to quote jobs

          If you want to win jobs, you’ll need to know how to put together good quotes. Follow this guide to learn more. 

          8. Lay out an effective workflow

          Job Management App Works on Mobile

          The first year especially comes with a lot to get used to — filling out quotes, invoices, filing away gas certificates, keeping customer details in place, and so on. 

          Rather than figuring out a good workflow as you go along, you’ll save hours by setting things up properly at the beginning using modern apps and software.

          There are many great options out there, but we’d shamelessly plug Gas Engineer Software for it being specifically designed for heating & plumbing companies. Here’s why: 

          • You’ll save hours with paperwork every week (auto-generated invoices, quick-to-fill certs, etc.)
          • It’ll keep copies of every invoice and payment for easy accounting, as well as other records. Read more.
          • Customer service becomes much easier
          • Everything you need to run your business is kept in one, easy-to-use app with great support

          Handling your first tax bill

          Strangely enough, your first tax bill as a business will be the worst. This is because in the UK, you need to pay both a 12-month balancing payments (for your first year of work) plus a 6-month payment on account (for the first half of the year ahead). 

          As you go through the year, make sure that you have money for this first tax bill set aside. Click here to read 5 tax tips for heating businesses

          9. Work out who your ideal customers are

          One of the ultimate goals of any trades business is to be able to pick and choose who you work for. 

          Maybe you’d prefer to work for estate agents, smaller, or more local properties. But nobody wants to work for a troublesome customer – the type that always complains, watches over your shoulder, questions costs – you get the idea. 

          Good customers make your life easier and are more likely to do a few things: 

          • Recommend your business to other potential customers
          • Come back for repeat business next year

          Both of these things are crucial to a successful heating & plumbing businesses that often rely on word-of-mouth and yearly work. Sometimes, saying “no” to a job will help you make more money.

          Not everybody’s ideal customer is the same. Find out more here: 

          10. Find your first few jobs

          Your first few jobs will most likely be for friends, family, and other contacts. These are great people to start with, as they’ll already trust you and will want to help get you started. 

          These first few jobs will hopefully grow into more through word-of-mouth recommendations. But what else can you do?

          Given that you’ll have just started your business and will be preoccupied with everything else that comes with it, we recommend starting with some simple and quick marketing strategies that are low maintenance. These include: 

          • Getting your business name and details wrapped on your vehicle
          • Printing off some business cards you can hand out
          • Making some flyers/leaflets that you can post through letterboxes nearby any property you’re working on
          • Creating a website with some basic information about your business and services

          Marketing is a huge topic that you can spend hours on to much success. We’ve written a full guide about it here: How to Get More Jobs: The Ultimate Marketing Guide For Plumbers & Gas Engineers

          What to aim for:

          Job Management App Works on Mobile

          As your business grows, you can start looking at hiring new engineers and admin staff, exploring other ways of finding work, and improving the efficiency of your work.

          As a new heating & plumbing business owner, your life is made easier with the right software and tools. Come find out what benefits a specialised app like Gas Engineer Software offers by clicking here or starting a free trial:

          Gas Engineer Software is 100% free to try.

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